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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Temperature at which steel fails and babbitt melts

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon.

Temperature Failure of Steel:

400 C (750 F) - structural steel starts losing yield strength
600 C (1112 F) - structural steel is 50% failed, steel expands and twists
800 C (1470 F) - ordinary construction steel is 90% failed
1000 C (1830 F) - carbon steel is 97% failed
1100 C (2012 F) - carbon steel is 100% failed, complete failure

Steel starts to become soft:

538 °C  (1,000 °F)

Melting Point of Steel:

Carbon Steel:     1425 - 1540 Celsius
Carbon Steel:     2600 - 2800 Fahrenheit
Average Steel:     1400-1600 C depending on type of steel 
Steel:         1370 degrees C  (2500 °F)


Babbitt is a metal alloy for bearing surfaces.

Babbitt is an alloy of  89% Tin,  8% Antimony and  3% Copper

Babbit fatigue strength failure temperature is:  130 C  (265 ˚F)

Babbit melting temperature is:  238 C  ( 460 ˚F )

1 comment:

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